LST (Land Surface Temperature; Sobrino et al., 2003)


LST is estimated for day- and night-time acquisitions using the method developed by Sobrino et al. (2003):



where T31 and T32 are brightness temperatures for MODIS bands 31 and 32 respectively, ε and Δε are respectively the average emissivity and the spectral emissivity difference for these bands, W is the total amount of water vapor, and the coefficients a1=1.02, a2=1.79 ,a3=1.20, a4=34.83, a5=-0.68, a6=-73.27 and a7=-5.19 were determined from simulations (details in Sobrino et al., 2003).



SST (Sea Surface Temperature; El Kharraz, 2004)


SST is estimated for day- and night-time acquisitions using the method developed by El Kharraz (2004):



where T31 and T32 are brightness temperatures for MODIS bands 31 and 32 respectively, W is the total amount of water vapor, and b1=1.90, b2=0.44, b3=0.05 and b4=0.34.





Sobrino, J. A., El Kharraz, J. & Li, Z. L. (2003). Surface temperature and water vapour retrieval from MODIS data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24, 5161-5182.

El Kharraz, J. (2004). Determinación de la temperatura de la superficie terrestre a partir de datos MODIS, PhD Thesis, University of Valencia, Spain.